Creating title block borders


Tool set

Title Block Border


Title block border objects both provide the graphic layout of the sheet border and title block and manage the data required for the title block, revision block, issue block, and so on, as described in Concept: Title block borders.

Several commonly used title block border styles are available for use, but completely customized title block borders can also be created using the title block border settings and the editable title block layout group (see Editing a title block border). These custom title block borders can then be optionally saved as a style for future use in other files.

Creating a plug-in object style for the title block border allows you to set fixed values for some of the parameters for all instances that use the style, while maintaining the ability to edit other parameters for each instance of the title block border (see Concept: Plug-in object styles). Once a plug-in object style is created, you can select it from the Resource Selector on the Tool bar or in the Title Block Border Preferences or Title Block Border Settings dialog box.

Unless the template used to create the file includes the title block border, a title block border must be added to each sheet that needs one. Use an appropriate title block border style and effective project and sheet naming and number systems to prepare a file for efficient use of title block borders. To copy an existing title block border onto multiple sheets, see Placing a title block border on multiple sheets.

The Title Block Border tool's modes provide different methods of insertion.



Single Point Insertion

Inserts a title block border with no rotation, with a single click

Standard Insertion

Inserts a title block border with the rotation set by the second click

Single Paper Page

Inserts a single title block border on the layer, typically at full sheet size

Multiple Paper Pages

Inserts multiple title block borders on the layer, tiled as needed for the printer's paper page size to cover the sheet's printable area

Title Block Border Style

Opens the Resource Selector to select a resource for placement; double-click a resource to activate it.


Opens the Title Block Border Preferences dialog box, to select a style if needed, to set the basic drawing size default properties, if those are not defined by the style, and to activate title blocks

Placing a single title block border on a layer

Placing multiple title block borders on a layer

Placing a title block border on multiple sheets

Workflow: Setting up and managing title block borders

Title block border settings


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